
Paediatric Osteopathy

Cupping & Massage

Sports Massage


Sports Injuries


What to do when low back pain strikes!
When low back pain strikes it is very tempting to lie down when one has an acute episode and simply try not to move! It is an immediate response. The body tells you it is in intense pain and if it is severe enough we may not even want to move your little finger in...
Fidget – Posture advice
At Richmond Osteopaths we are always trying to find a solution for the long hours that a lot of our patients spend at a desk. Unfortunately, there isn't a perfect solution. We could advise people to move to a desert island where it is warm and bright and where there...
Journal of sports medicine and Physical fitness
I have worked incredibly hard on getting my article on fatigue testing on basketball players completed and I felt an incredible sense of satisfaction when we managed to get my scientific article published in journals of sports medicine and physical fitness. The...
What our clients say:
- Ioan Savastre