
Paediatric Osteopathy

Cupping & Massage

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What our clients say:
I first went to see Nicolette Richardson when I was signed off work with an extremely painful neck and right shoulder. Being the second time in 12 months experiencing the same problem, I had already been to other NHS and private physios. I had also been seeing a chiropractor over a number of years for treatment of my neck pain. This was my first time with an osteopath. Nicolette Richardson did an amazing job fixing me up. The combination of massage, stretches and acupuncture, cleared the muscle spasm in my right shoulder and the trapped nerves in my neck enabling me to get back to work. Regular visits have helped me prevent any re-occurrence of my neck pain. I try to recommend Richmond Osteopaths to any of my friends who complain if ongoing injuries/pains. I would thoroughly recommend to anyone choosing Richmond Osteopaths.
- Cathy Taylor