
Paediatric Osteopathy

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What our clients say:
I am in my mid 50s, live in Richmond and have had a minor back issue for over 30 years. This got significantly worse about 3 years ago and got to the point I could not fully function. For example, sitting was very uncomfortable, I had sleeping difficulties and getting a train was next to impossible… This seriously affected both my work and my personal life I went to a Richmond chiropractor for about 6 months and things did not improve (expect that was for the bank balance of the consultant). I then started going to Richmond Osteopaths and within a couple of weeks my back started to get better. Instead of just a couple of minutes with the a chiropractor I got 45 minutes of hands on treatment from Nicolette Richardson and a full follow up program of exercises/stretching that I could do myself. Today my back is so much better. Last weekend I helped my niece move flat – involving carrying lots of boxes up two flights of stairs. In my wildest dreams I would never have believed this could be possible 3 years ago. If you have a bad back you really should try Richmond Osteopaths and Nicolette Richardson.
- John